God Uses Screwups

(He wants to use you)

God used twelve seemingly ordinary men to change the world. These men were not particularly smart, talented, powerful, or gifted, nor were they initially passionately pursuing Him, and yet God still transformed them into the men that would change the world.

Your Potential

The question I want to answer is what God will do with a group of people that He has blessed with additional gifts, who are positioned in the center of the world’s most powerful city and desire to live a life that glorifies Him.

The Bible tells us that one man sold out for God is worth more than hundreds who are partially committed. It also tells us that a few men can multiply one man’s work exponentially. Based on this truth, we will have the greatest impact for God when we join with other committed Christ followers to pursue His will. That is the foundational truth of the structure of this group.

The Study

The purpose of the study is to pursue God’s calling. To answer the question, “What is God’s will for me?” We know certain things such as we are to become more like Christ, but if there was something else that God was asking of you, would you hear it? The purpose of this material is to put us in a position where we can not only hear what God is asking of us but also be able to fulfill His will with the greatest results.

God has a purpose for each of our lives. We may not yet know what that is, but it is far better than anything that we could desire or think of for ourselves. Alone, each one of us could learn the hard lessons of life and hope to be refined as God reveals His purpose to us. However, with other brothers and sisters encouraging and helping one another, that road will be a lot smoother and faster. I’m interested in doing all I can to become useful to God as soon as possible. I desire to learn what God’s will is for my life so that I can begin achieving it today.

How does God want to use you?